Homann Heirs' Map of the Americas
SKU: 9554
Homann Heirs' Map of the Americas
Date of publication:
Printed Measurement:
Our map of the Americas was prepared for the Homann firm by Johann Matthias Hase, professor of mathematics in Wittenberg, on his stereographic horizontal projection; Hase died in 1742, and many of his maps were published posthumously. His map replaced one of 1710, engraved by the founder of the Homann business, Johann Baptist Homann (1664-1724)
Homann’s original map had undergone several revisions (in particular the transition of California from island to peninsula) but although the northwest coast remained little-known it was clearly felt that an entirely new map – incorporating the latest discoveries – was appropriate. Read more
There is still some wishful thinking (hints at a northwest passage, for example, and Quivira, the mythical Seven Cities of Gold) but there is better definition of genuine geographical features, such as the Great Lakes and Mississippi River.
After the founding Homann's death the business was continued by his son, Johann Christoph, and then by the Homann Heirs (his friend Johann Michael Franz and his stepsister's husband, the engraver Johann Georg Ebersberger).
Condition & Materials
Copper engraving, 50 x 57 cm, original hand colour, blank verso. Published in Nuremberg. Read less