Zenoi's Contemporary Plan of the Battle of Lepanto
L’ordine et vera dispositione che tenero le galere de l’armata della Santa lega nel conflito navale ali 7 ottob. 1571 giorno de S.agiustina a cuzzo...
View full detailsL’ordine et vera dispositione che tenero le galere de l’armata della Santa lega nel conflito navale ali 7 ottob. 1571 giorno de S.agiustina a cuzzo...
View full detailsThis simplified map of Cyprus was a visual aid published as sheet 4 in a portfolio titled ‘Empire Information Project. The island is surrounded by ...
View full detailsFamosae in. Archipelago, Chius hodie Scio Insulae, victricibus nuper Venetorum classe et armis Turcarum imperio ereptae, nec non aliarum adjacentiu...
View full detailsThis is a collection of 61 intelligence handbooks, 1943-1945, covering enemy and occupied countries and compiled by the Foreign Office and Ministry...
View full detailsLa Grecia descritta […] dedicata all’Eccellenza del Signor Giovanni Lando This map of Greece was prepared for Coronelli's monumental 13 volume ‘Atl...
View full detailsThis chart of Astypalaia in the Dodecanese is from the practical pocket sea atlas by Marseilles hydrographer Joseph Roux, charting the ports and ha...
View full detailsThis chart of Ios in the Cyclades is from the practical pocket sea atlas by Marseilles hydrographer Joseph Roux, charting the ports and harbours of...
View full detailsThis map of Dubrovnik and Chalcis waspublished by Merian and his heirs in various works, including the Archontologia Cosmica and Theatrum Europaeum...
View full detailsScarpanto (Karpathos) This map of Karpathos was engraved by Girolamo Porro and is set in descriptive Italian text with a woodcut headpiece and hist...
View full detailsMilo (Milos) This map of Milos was engraved by Girolamo Porro and is set in descriptive Italian text with a woodcut headpiece and historiated initi...
View full detailsNegroponte (Euboea) This map of Negropoonte was engraved by Girolamo Porro and is set in descriptive Italian text with a woodcut headpiece and hist...
View full detailsIl Sito de Curzolari (and Gulf of Lepanto) This map of the gulf of Lepanto was engraved by Girolamo Porro and is set in descriptive Italian text wi...
View full detailsCerigo (Kythera) This map of Kythera was engraved by Girolamo Porro and is set in descriptive Italian text with a woodcut headpiece and historiated...
View full detailsNicsia (Naxos) This map of Naxos was engraved by Girolamo Porro and is set in descriptive Italian text with a woodcut headpiece and historiated ini...
View full detailsMetellino (Mytilene, Lesbos) This map of Mitilini was engraved by Girolamo Porro and is set in descriptive Italian text with a woodcut headpiece an...
View full detailsGraeciae Pars Meridionalis / Graciae Antiquae Tabula Nova in qua locorum situs tum ad distantias itinerarias tum ad Observationes Astronomicas exac...
View full detailsVorstellung des Alten und Neven Athens, von dem Venetiani – schen Geographo Herrn Pat. Coronelli verzeichnet Coronelli’s plan retains features of t...
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