Early Edition of Guarino da Favera’s Greek Lexicon
SKU: 9313
Early Edition of Guarino da Favera’s Greek Lexicon
Date of publication:
[Greek title] Dictionarium Varini Phavorini Camertis Nucerini episcopi, magnum illud ac perutile multis variisque ex autoribus collectum, totius linguae graecae commentarius. Basileae [Basel]: [Roberto Cheimerino = Winter], 1538
Guarino da Favera (Varinus Phavorinus, 1450-1537) was a pupil of Politian and a significant lexicographer. He tutored Giovanni de' Medici who, as Pope Leo X, appointed him bishop of Nocera in 1514. He is best know for the compilation of this Greek dictionary, first printed in 1523.
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Our edition was edited by Joachim Camerarius the elder. The printer, who has hellenised his name to Cheimerinos in the colophon, was Ruprecht (Robert) Winter, who was a member of the printers' guild from 1518. For a time he operated as the business partner of his brother-in-law, Johann Oporin, but he printed under his own name between 1536 and 1545.
Condition & Materials
Small folio, first part only. pp. [viii], cols. 1900 [i.e. 1910] columns. Greek text, finishing on LL4 and lacking signatures [alpha]-[sigma]6 (ie 212 pages). This is the case with three of the four copies in Cambridge Libraries described by Adams. The missing part, ‘Indices accuratissimi’ edited by Gunzius, is dated 1541, and is evidently not always present. Staining and neat paper repairs to title and preliminary leaves. Rebound much later in a fragment of music manuscript on paper, over flexible boards, now rather worn and recently rebacked in plain calf.
OCLC 38645654
Adams P-984
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