On the Lives of Greek Philosophers
SKU: 8315
On the Lives of Greek Philosophers
Date of publication:
Diogenes Laertius; Eunapius of Sardis: [...] De Vitis, dogm. & apophth. clarorum philosophorum, Libri X. Heschyii ill. de iisdem philos. & de aliis scriptoribus liber. Pythagor. philosophorum fragmenta. [...] Is. Casauboni Notae ad Lib. Diogenis, multo auctiores & emendatiores. [Geneva]: Excud. Henr. Steph. [Bound with: Greek title] Eunapius Sardianus De Vitis Philosophorum et Sophistarum, Hadriano Iunio Hornano interprete. Graeca cum mss. Palatinis comparata, aucta et emendata. Hieronymi Commelini opera. Nunc recens accedunt eiusdem auctoris legationes, è bibliotheca Andreae Schotti Antverpiani. [Geneva]: Oliva Pauli Stephani 1593-1616
Related biographical works on the lives of Greek philosophers, originally compiled in the 3rd and 4th centuries CE, published by Henri Estienne and his son Paul. Read more
Condition & Materials
2 works bound in one volume, 8vo. pp. 16, 884, 120, [viii], 88; 169, [vii]. Estienne device to titles, parallel text in Greek and Latin, light waterstaining to the second work. 18th century sprinkled calf, gilt spine, some wear to headcap, red edges. 20th century book labels and ink stamp of Buckfast Abbey. Read less