Fries’ Ptolemaic Map of Asia Minor
SKU: 8102
Fries’ Ptolemaic Map of Asia Minor
Date of publication:
Printed Measurement:
Tabula Prima Asiae continet Pontum, Bithyniam, Asiae propriae dictam, in qua Phyrgia Lyciam Pamphiliam, in qua Pisidia, Galatiam, in qua Paphlagonia & Isauria, Capadociam, Armeniam minorem, & Ciliciam
A Ptolemaic map of Asia Minor.
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Lorenz Fries' slightly reduced versions of Martin Waldseemüller’s maps were engraved for a new edition of Ptolemy’s Geographia published by the Strasbourg printer Johann Grüninger in 1522 and 1525; after Grüninger’s death the blocks passed to the Treschel brothers, Melchior and Gaspar, who reprinted them in Lyons with a revised text in 1535.
The revisions to Wilibald Pirkheimer’s translation were made by the polymath Spanish theologian, physician and humanist Michael Servetus, also known as Michel de Villeneuve, who was burned for heresy in Geneva in 1553. Our example is from the final edtion, published by Gaspar Treschel alone in Vienne, Isère, to be sold by Hugues de la Porte in Lyons.
Condition & Materials
Woodcut, 30 x 46 cm, black and white, slight toning at centrefold, Latin text on verso. Read less