Coronelli’s Map of Athens, a German Edition
SKU: 9024
Coronelli’s Map of Athens, a German Edition
Date of publication:
Printed Measurement:
Vorstellung des Alten und Neven Athens, von dem Venetiani – schen Geographo Herrn Pat. Coronelli verzeichnet
Coronelli’s plan retains features of the earliest modern map of Athens, which was drawn by French Capuchin monks circa 1670 as a mixture of conventional plan and bird’s eye view. Read more
The first printed version was originally published in Paris in 1675 to illustrate Guillet de Saint-George's ‘Athènes ancienne et nouvelle’; it also influenced contemporaries such as Jacob Spon and George Wheler, who where among the first western antiquaries to visit the city.
Coronelli re-edited the map in Venice shortly after the brief Venetian occupation of Athens of 1687-88 during the Morean War, which resulted in extensive damage to the Parthenon (both during the siege of the Acropolis and its aftermath). Coronelli is credited here, but our map was printed in Germany.
Versions of the plate may also have illustrated German editions of Spon’s account of his travels, ‘Italiänische, Dalmatische, Griechische und Orientalische Reise-Beschreibung’ published in Nuremberg by Johann Hoffman, but with this pagination in the upper margin it illustrated a general history, ‘Uebersetzung der Algemeinen Welthistorie die in Engeland durch eine Geselschaft von Gelehrten ausgefertiget worden’, edited by Siegmund Jacob Baumgarten.
Condition & Materials
Copper engraving, 22.5 x 37 cm, black and white, blank verso.
Not in Zacharakis.
OCLC 165886789. Read less