Donne's Poems
SKU: 9690
Donne's Poems
Date of publication:
Place of publication:
Poems on several occasions. Written by the Reverend John Donne, D. D. Late Dean of St. Paul’s. With elegies on the author’s death.
To this edition is added, some account of the life of the author. Read more
Condition & Materials
12mo. pp. [xxiv], 315, [iii]. Some light spotting and browning. Modern brown morocco. The account of Donne’s life is abridged from the life by Izaak Walton.
Some copies may have a portrait frontispiece which is not present here, but an uncontrolled note on ESTC suggests that this was reported by one institution only; a possible large-paper edition with fractionally different imprint (ESTC N12099) does not call for it. ESTC T96902. Read less