Godefroy’s Compilation of Latin Grammarians
SKU: 1980
Godefroy’s Compilation of Latin Grammarians
Date of publication:
Gothofredus, Dionysius (ed.): Auctores Latinae linguae in unum redacti corpus: quorum auctorum veterum & neotericorum Elenchum sequens pagina docebit adiectis notis Dionysii Gothofredi [...] una cum indice generali in omnes auctores. S. Gervasii [Saint-Gervais, ie Geneva], apud Iacobum Chouët 1602
Contains the works of the ancient grammarians Varro, Festus, Nonius Marcellus and others, edited by Denis Godefroy (1549-1621). First published in 1585, this edition also appears under the imprint of Geneva firms Pierre de la Rouiere and the heirs of Eustache Vignon. Saint-Gervais is part of the old quarter of Geneva.
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Condition & Materials
Small folio (in 8s). pp. [viii], followed by 1294 (ie 1924) columns, pp. [lxxiv], 106 columns. Woodcut title border and with one or two diagrams in the text. Occasional neat marginalia in an early hand. Contemporary blind-ruled vellum with three raised bands and yapp edges. Read less