Theophrastus’ Moral Characters, Foulis Edition
SKU: 6108
Theophrastus’ Moral Characters, Foulis Edition
Date of publication:
[Greek title] Characteres Ethici: ex recensione Petri Needham cum versione Latina Isaaci Casauboni. Glasguae [Glasgow]: In Aedibus Academicis. Excudebat Robertus Foulis Academiae Typographus 1743
Peter Needham’s excellent edition of Theophrastus’ work on moral characters was first published in 1712. Foulis was elected University Printer at Glasgow on March 31st 1743, and this is the first book where he styles himself ‘Academiae Typographus’. Read more
Condition & Materials
8vo. pp. [ii], 53, [i], 52. Greek text followed by Isaac Casaubon’s Latin translation. Contemporary calf, rebacked, corners renewed. 1744 dated ownership signature, ‘E Libris Bagnall’, on the free endpaper, with two 20th century inscriptions beneath: R.J. Mockridge, St John’s Oxford in 1908; gift to D Hughes from the Rev R. Mockridge, then at Harwicke Rectory, August 1958.
Bookseller’s ticket (R. Saywell) to pastedown. Theophrastus’s moral character sketches are listed in English in a 19th century hand on the lower pastedown.
Gaskell, Foulis: 40
ESTC N475398.
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