Elizabeth Eden
SKU: 9520
Elizabeth Eden
Date of publication:
One of those Victorian novels which is both rare and interesting.
The novel deals with (somewhat traditionally) a disputed inheritance, but also (less usually) with English expatriate life in the Alps and Geneva; Bishop also wrote a memoir of her friend Harriet Fortescue, the wife of the writer, diplomat and Turcophile David Urquhart, who popularised the Turkish bath in Britain and owned a chalet on Mont Blanc. Read more
In the Irish Monthly (February 1880), the anonymous reviewer wrote that ‘decidedly clever and even sparkling, full of subtly interwoven incident and of skilfully sustained character, it deserves to be singled out from the common run of three-volume novels’: we certainly enjoyed reading it.
Condition & Materials
3 vols. 8vo. Publisher’s cloth. Far from fine: binding cocked, cockled at spine and somewhat worn; a few joints weak; some foxing; clear traces of circulating library labels to upper covers; but an honest, unsophisticated copy.
OCLC records copies in the BL, Bodleian, Cambridge University Library, and the National Library of Scotland, with a single copy outside the UK, in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France; there seem to be no copies in US institutions Read less