Morel’s Demosthenes
SKU: 9376
Morel’s Demosthenes
Date of publication:
[Greek title: Demosthenous logoi, kai prooimia demegorika, kai epistolai: syn tais exegesesin ophelimotatais, tou Oulpianou rhetoros, te ton palaion antigraphon basilikon epikouria auxetheisais kai diorthothesais… ] Lutetiae [Paris]: apud Iacobum Dupuys, 1570
Dibdin describes this edition of Demosthenes as ‘a beautiful and an excellent one’ and explains that it was originally planned by Guillaume Morel; after Morel’s death in 1564 three French booksellers (Dupuys, Benenat and Somnius) undertook to finish it at their joint expense, and the book can be found with all three imprints. Read more
Condition & Materials
Folio. pp. [lii], 798, [ii]. Greek text, with prefatory epistles by Denys Lambin and Jean Bienné (Benenatus). Near contemporary French calf, ruled in gilt and blind with gilt oval wreath ornament to covers; some wear, rebacked and recornered, end-papers renewed; armorial bookplate (reinstated on front pastedown) of Henry Sinclair, 10th Lord Sinclair (1660–1723).
Dibdin I, 480
Adams, D-266
OCLC: 8208840. Read less