Seutter’s Map of Jerusalem
SKU: 2743
Seutter’s Map of Jerusalem
Date of publication:
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Jerusalem, cum suburbiis, prout tempore Christi floruit, accurate notatis omnibus insgnibus et praecipuè iis locis, in quibis Christus passus est et quae etiam num devota religione à Christianis coluntur…
A map of Jerusalem and environs at the time of Christ, showing locations mentioned in the New Testament, including those which continued to be sites of Christian worship.
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Seutter credits the Dutch Catholic theologian Christian Kruik van Adrichem, or Christianus Crucius Adrichomius, 1533-1585; his main source was probably the account of Jerusalem’s antiquities given in van Adrichem’s ‘Theatrum Terrae Sanctae et Biblicarum Historiarum’, published in Cologne in 1590.
Condition & Materials
Copper engraving, 58.5 x 50.5 cm, original hand-colour, including to the detailed German text of the key at the foot of the prospect, blank verso. Read less