The Third Printings of Herodotus & Thucydides in Greek
SKU: 8317
The Third Printings of Herodotus & Thucydides in Greek
Date of publication:
Herodotus and Thucydides: [Greek title] Libri Novum… Georgii Gemisti, qui et Pletho de iis quae post pugnam ad Mantineam gesta sunt libri II. […] Basileae [Basel] ex Officina Hervagiana [1557] [Bound with: Greek title...] Thucyidides cum scholiis et antiques et utilibus, sine quibus autor intellectu multum est difficilis. Accessit paraeterea diligentia Ioachimi Camerarii, in castigando tum textu, tum commentaries, una cum Annotationibus eius. Stephanus Schirotius Pannonius Lectori. […] Basileae [Basel] ex Officina Hervagiana, 1557-1540
These are the third printings of the ‘father of history’ and of Thucydides in the original Greek. Read more
Johannes Herwagen was a protestant printer from Strasbourg. He became a citizen of Basel in 1528 and married Johann Froben's widow. Froben had made Basel a centre for the priting of Greek and Latin texts, modelling his business on the example of scholar-printer Aldus Manutius.
Herwagen continued the tradition, collaborating at first with his stepson Hieronymus Froben and his brother Nicholas Episcopius, and printing under his own name from 1531. He was fined and expelled from the city in 1542, after having an affair with his stepson's wife, but Landgrave Philip of Hesse, Duke Christoph von Württemberg and the University of Basel campaigned for him, so that he was pardoned in 1545, and a period of house arrest and a tavern ban were both lifted in 1547 by the City Council.
He published the first edition in Greek of Euclid's Elements (1533) and other works, such as Heliodorus' Aithiopika (1534).
Condition & Materials
2 works bound in one volume, folio. pp. [xx], 310, [ii], blank; [xxiv], 178, [iv], blank, with woodcut printer's device to verso of both final leaves. Greek text, numerous early marginal notes and alternative readings in the first work, occasional annotations in an early hand in the second. Near contemporary quarter pigskin over pasteboard, rubbed. Read less