Renault’s Mouchoire Militaire Map of France
SKU: 9454
Renault’s Mouchoire Militaire Map of France
Date of publication:
Printed Measurement:
This educational handkerchief (why not?) is in the same format as the series of thirteen 'mouchoirs militaire d'instructions' patented by the commandant of the Rouen garrison, Pierre Perrinon, in 1875.
These unusual objects carried basic information about drill, kit, weapons handling, first aid for the wounded and other essential military topics in a durable and convenient format. Read more
Our map does not seem to be part of the numbered series, but is produced by the same Rouen publisher and firm of designers (l'atelier Buquet was already known for its illustrated handkerchieves) and details the structure of the French army beneath the map. After defeat in the Franco-Prussian War the Third Republic re-introduced widespread conscription, and the handkerchiefs became a useful tool for instruction.
Condition & Materials
Souvenir handkerchief printed on fine linen, 67.5 x 73 cm, engraved by A Buquet, printed in black and red, some spotting, blank verso; a military service number has been embroidered in red on the verso. Read less